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Who should You List as Drivers on Your Auto Insurance?

It can be confusing to identify which drivers you should cover under your car insurance when you have multiple cars at home with people old enough to drive. However, it is important to list down the drivers of your vehicle in an insurance policy to avoid getting denied on a claim.

While some auto insurance policies may cover anyone living under your roof that can access your cars, other policies might not. They may require you to list drivers to your policy, which may result in higher premiums.

Here are five drivers you should include in your policy:

Adult Child Moving Back Home

If your adult child has moved back in your home, you should inform your insurer that another licensed driver is living with you. That is because providers assume that anyone who has regular access to your home may use your vehicles. However, you may not have to include them on your policy if they drive their car unless they occasionally drive yours. In most cases, the coverage from their policy will not extend to your vehicle.

An adult child can be excluded from the coverage of the family car. However, it?s not usually a good idea because they won?t be covered if they need to use the car and get into an accident.

Teen Drivers

Whether your teen lives with you or not, you should include them in your policy. Insurance for a newly licensed teen driver can be very expensive because this age group has an increased risk of getting into an accident.

While collision coverage is optional (especially when you didn?t loan your vehicle from the bank), consider having it to cover damages in case of crashes when you have a teen driver on your policy.

Parent(s) Living with You

If your parent(s) drive your car, you have to add him/her to your policy. Because if you don?t, there is a good chance that your insurance claim could be denied.


If you have a caregiver who often drives you around in your vehicle, you have to add them to your policy. List them as a primary driver if you don?t have a valid license already.

A Regular Car Borrower

You don?t have to list everyone in your car insurance policy who borrows your car from time to time and you may still be covered if they get into the accident. But you never know what rules the carrier may have so before you allow someone to use your car, you should consult your insurance agent first whether your policy covers anyone with your permission. Also, ensure that the driver has a valid license.

While adding drivers to your policy will likely increase your insurance premiums, doing so would decrease your chances of getting denied once you filed a claim. If you want to know more about car insurance coverage, our agents here at Velox Insurance are willing to help you. Call us at 1-855-468-3569 or visit us at our offices near you. You can also get a free online quote by clicking here.

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