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Insurance Agency, Velox, Has New App Now Available!

It?s official! The team at Velox is proud to announce that their brand new insurance app is now available in iTunes and Google Play. Ever since they were established back in 2003, they have made it their mission to provide the highest quality insurance services possible, by providing a convenient and affordable insurance shopping experience. With the advent of this app, customers will be able to access Velox for all their needs, easier than ever before!

When you open this app on your smartphone, you will find an easy to navigate menu, with the follow options:

Manage Policy – Locations – Make a Payment – Submit a Claim – Contact Us – Emergency Services – Around Me – Voice Notes – Messages – Send Pictures

If you are interested in making some adjustments, you can simple click on the tools and settings symbols at the bottom of the screen to quickly make any changes. You can even save your ID cards and all other important documentation right to your phone so that you won?t need to go digging around for them the next time you need a transaction. With just the touch of a finger, you can submit your claim, make changes to your policy, add pictures, include a signature, and more.

At Velox Insurance, our business philosophy is to bring customers the very best in convenient insurance services for all types of vehicular insurance and property insurance. If you would like to learn more about our insurance policies and brand new app, visit us online at: to get all your questions answered

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