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What To Know About Comparing Auto Insurance in Atlanta, GA

Comparing auto insurance in Atlanta, GA can be difficult! Demystify the process!

With so many companies to choose from and so many different types of coverage, it’s hard to find auto insurance in Atlanta, GA! Simplify your auto insurance comparison with this helpful guide.

Rule of Three.

When comparing insurance rates make sure to get at least three quotes. The insurance market is competitive. Use the competition to your advantage and do your homework! Just make sure that you are comparing similar policies.


Examine how coverage differs. You should be comparing very similar coverage, but there are still may be differences. Pay attention to detail!

Limit of Liability.

Look closely at?the policy?s limit of liability coverage. Not all policies are created equal, so you may see some differences. Liability coverage protects you from costly car repairs and medical bills if an accident is your fault. So while a policy may be cheaper than others, it may have a lower payout for liability coverage and ultimately cost you more.


When comparing auto insurance policy rates, you?ll notice that deductibles differ. A policy with a lower premium might be attractive, but keep in mind that you may be paying more in the event of an accident. If your deductible is too high, you?ll struggle?to pay for certain damages out of pocket. Look for policies that fit your lifestyle, but a lower premium may be more costly than you think.

Discount Eligibility.

Look for discounts! Certain policies will give you a bonus if you’re a safe driver, or if you’re a good student. You may even qualify for additional discounts if you bundle policies. Check to see if any of the policies you are comparing will give you a fiscal break!

For assistance finding the best auto insurance in Atlanta, GA, contact the professionals at Velox Insurance. Located in Atlanta, Georgia, we serve all your vehicle and property insurance needs!

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