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Car Insurance Need Not Be Expensive For Students

There?s a mix of excitement and dread when your child becomes eligible for his road test. You feel excited because you will no longer have to drive him or her around. And dread because you?re worried about their safety and not exactly sure how much the insurance will cost. Car insurance for students isn’t going to be cheap, but there?s a lot we can do to reduce the expenses.

Car insurance may cost 80% more on average when a teenage driver is added to the family policy. Aside from that, gender is also a factor. Boys are more expensive to insure than girls ? with about 90% to 60%, respectively. And these costs vary depending on the place of residence.

Although this is the case for student car insurance, there are steps in which you can lessen its costs. As a student, they may qualify for discounts such as:

Early Bird Discount

This discount is something that you should take advantage of. However, it is very time-sensitive. If you?re buying a new car insurance before your existing policy has expired, insurers may give you a discount for not procrastinating.

Resident Student Discount

You can be eligible for a resident student discount if your child only drives the car when they?re home for a break. This is recommended particularly for those students who go to school away from home.

Multiple Policy Discount

Consider buying other types of insurance from the same insurer. For example, if you need home insurance, getting a policy from the same company you bought an auto insurance policy from will make you eligible for a discount.

Other Discounts

There are other discounts available for students:

  • Anti-Theft Discount
  • Auto-Pay Discount
  • Data Tracking Discount
  • Driving School Discount
  • Fully Payment Discount
  • Good Student Discount
  • Safety Equipment Discount

With the risky behaviors of students, it would be unwise not to get good car insurance coverage. Bear in mind that skimping on insurance is not the answer for huge savings. Don?t hesitate to ask your agents about discounts you can qualify in. You?ll be surprised at how much you?ll be able to save.

We, at Velox Insurance, aim to give students a reliable insurance coverage at a reasonable price. In every transaction you have with us, we put your needs first. Give us a call at 1-855-468-3569 or drop by our office nearest you. We can also give you a personalized quote, click here.

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