5 Unexpected Ways Drivers Can Get Lower Monthly Car Insurance Rates in Atlanta, GA
Most people know you can save money on auto insurance in Atlanta or just about anywhere else in the country by being a safe driver and bundling your home, auto, and life policies. You might also already know that you can get a discount for installing an anti-theft device in your vehicle.
What you might not realize is the abundance of unexpected ways you can get a lower monthly auto insurance premium. If you’re looking to save money as a driver with a residence in Atlanta, there are at least five ways to save that you might not know about.
1. Do You Need to Have Auto Insurance in Atlanta?
If you’d like to save money on car insurance, look to lower your premium, but not eliminate it. Not only is being uninsured a potential ticket to financial ruin, it’s also illegal. The state of Georgia requires a minimum liability insurance policy to operate a motor vehicle. Therefore, you must carry insurance to provide coverage for at least $25,000 bodily injury liability per person, $50,000 for bodily injury per accident, and $25,000 for property damage in the unfortunate event that you are involved in an accident.
Nothing, however, states that you need to pay for maximum coverage in an auto insurance policy. You can elect to keep that minimum 25/50/25 coverage and forgo a higher premium that comes with a greater payout in the event of an accident.
When considering how much insurance you need, keep in mind that Atlanta has a fairly high crime rate. If you think your car is vulnerable to break-ins or theft, you might want to opt for more coverage. If you live in a low-crime area, however, the minimum coverage might be all you need.
2. Are You Entitled to a Student Discount in Atlanta?
Not only is Atlanta home to some of the country’s greatest art, music, history, and professional sports, but the metropolitan area also boasts almost two dozen of the nation’s finest colleges and universities. If you’re a student attending one of these institutions, you should call your auto insurance provider and ask about various student discounts.
Young people can pay an enormously high monthly premium for auto insurance in Atlanta and elsewhere around the country. After all, most of us aren’t safety-conscious in our late teens and early twenties. Many auto insurance providers offer discounts to students who either qualify by maintaining high academic performance (grade averages of B or higher, are on the honor roll, or record high standardized test scores), or are an alumnus of a qualifying fraternity, sorority, or eligible institution.
As a student, you are likely incurring tens (perhaps hundreds) of thousands of dollars in student loans and are not yet making enough income. You need to save money wherever you can. Start with your car insurance.
3. Are Members of the Military Eligible for a Lesser Premium?
There are 12 military bases in Georgia, so active, reserve, and former members of the U.S. military may be eligible for a lesser monthly premium on car insurance. If this is you, don’t forget to mention your military status when seeking quotes from various providers. It’s a small reward for your service, but you’re entitled to a discount on your auto policy, as well as many other products and services.
Military discounts can range from five to as much as 15 percent depending on the insurance company. Recently, many insurers have also been offering similar discounts to healthcare workers. After all, if you work in a medical facility, you are on the front lines of our country’s battle against pandemics and other serious illnesses. A lower monthly premium sure sounds justifiable.
4. Pay a Higher Deductible to Save Money
You can opt for a higher deductible of $1,000 instead of $500. Not everybody knows what the deductible in a policy actually means, especially newbie drivers.
If your deductible is set to $1,000, you will need to pay the first $1,000 in damages every time you file a claim. The advantage of choosing a higher deductible is that you pay a lower monthly premium. If you’re a safe driver, this may be the most cost-effective option for you. If your deductible is set to $300, you would only need to pay the first $300. Either way, the insurance company takes care of the rest up to policy limits.

5. Can You Save Money With Low Mileage in Atlanta, GA?
Many drivers in the U.S. choose to lease cars, rather than buy them. It can be a more affordable option if you don’t drive often. For example, if you only drive 10,000 miles per year, a leasing program may make a lot of sense. Similarly, you could save significantly on your auto insurance in Atlanta if you use your vehicle for little more than driving back and forth to a local school or place of work.
Be careful not to dismiss low mileage discounts as overly restrictive. There are ways to make it work. Ridesharing and carpooling programs can be a great way to decrease your annual mileage. If your family has two cars, consider using one as the “road trip” vehicle and the other for only basic transportation. By using one car exclusively for longer trips, you might be surprised at how easy it is to keep the mileage down enough to qualify for a discount on the second vehicle.
Shop Around for Low-Cost Car Insurance in Atlanta
Different providers have varying coverage options and premiums according to where you live and a variety of other factors. Velox Insurance is one of Atlanta’s most trusted auto coverage providers. We would be thrilled to discuss the many ways we can help you save money.
Call us today at 855-GO VELOX or send us a question online. If you prefer the in-person meeting, stop by one of our numerous convenient locations spread across Georgia or you can get a fast and free . Happy motoring!