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Unique & Affordable Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

Celebrate Valentine?s Day on a budget!

The traditional Valentine?s Day dinner at a romantic, fancy restaurant is overrated AND expensive. You can still celebrate Valentine?s Day with the ones you love, but there?s no reason to spend your life savings creating a memorable moment. Check out these ways to celebrate Valentine?s Day on a budget.

Stay in for movie night.

You could go out to the movies, but crowds and exurbanite ticket prices make staying in all the more appealing. Pop the popcorn, and get your Netflix account ready! A movie night at home is an enjoyable and affordable way to spend Valentine?s Day.

Play a game. ?

From poker to Monopoly, games can be great way to spend Valentine?s Day. They?re perfect for couples or big groups and the best part is that you don?t have to spend a dime to have a great time.

Get cooking.

A shared experience often brings couples closer together. Consider spending the afternoon cooking together. Don?t know how to cook? No problem! Check out a cooking tutorial on YouTube and enjoy a private cooking class in the comfort of your own home.


Mysteries of the night sky allude to a sense of endless possibilities, including love. There?s something romantic about looking out into the night sky, making it a great Valentine?s Day date. Bring lots of blankets, hot beverages, and spend the night stargazing.

Volunteer for a great cause.

Why limit your love and compassion to your significant other? Spread love through your whole community this Valentine?s Day. Choose an organization that interests you and volunteer.

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