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The Most Dangerous Times to Drive in Georgia

We all know that certain times of the day, week and year are more dangerous to drive than others. It’s certainly not as safe to drive at 3am as it is at 3pm. And everyone knows the Fourth of July and New Years Eve are dangerous. But statistically, what are the most dangerous times to drive a vehicle here in Georgia? Let’s find out:

The Most Dangerous Time of Day

When it comes to all car accidents, the most dangerous time of day is rush hour between 5pm and 7pm. It’s the time when the roads are the most congested, people are tired from working and impatient to get home so there are far more car accident insurance claims at those times than during other times of the day.

Instead of looking at the number of accidents, if measure fatalities the?deadliest time to drive here in Georgia is between midnight and 4am. Obviously, alcohol plays a large role in this, but it’s also a time of day when visibility is low (compared to the daylight hours) and driver fatigue also plays a role.

The Most Dangerous Day of the Week

The most dangerous day of the week to drive is Saturday. The primary reason for this is the involvement of alcohol on the weekends. The rate of driving fatalities on a typical Saturday in Georgia is nearly double that of a weekday.

The Most Dangerous Month of the Year

August is the most dangerous month of the year for drivers followed closely by June and September. The summer months are especially dangerous for young drivers and people in the insurance industry refer to the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day as the “100 Deadliest Days” for young people. Tell your young drivers to be careful out there in the coming months.

The Most Dangerous Day of the Year

The deadliest day of the year for car accidents is July 4th. Despite the increased efforts of law enforcement each year, July 4th continues to be the deadliest day year after year. We always warn our customers to be extra vigilant out there. Just because you’re sober behind the wheel doesn’t mean everyone else is.

Any time you get behind the wheel of a car it’s dangerous and we encourage our customers to always use the utmost caution and drive sober and with your full attention on the road ahead. And be extra careful driving during rush hour, after midnight, on the weekends and especially July 4th.

Avoiding a car accident is the best way to protect yourself. Another is to make sure you have the right insurance for your needs. For a free quote on car insurance please reach out to us at 1-866-Go-Velox, click here to locate a nearby agency, or get an online quote.

Be safe out there.

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