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The Surge In Claim Frequency Among Teenage Drivers

Due to inexperience, a lot of teenage drivers are exposed to high risks.

1) Texting and Cell Phones

Teenagers tend to talk or text on a cellphone and surf the Web using a mobile device. These distractions can increase the likelihood of a car accident. According to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, cell phone users are more likely to get into an accident that can injure themselves.

To stay safe behind the wheel, it is best to avoid using your mobile device at all costs. Some states have tried imposing laws that banned the use of cellphones while driving, but oftentimes such rules are ignored. Therefore, we must do our duty as good citizens of the country. Parents and teen drivers should have a contract to not use the cellphone while driving. It is a good way to develop and maintain safe driving practices.

2) Speeding

The risk of an accident may increase with speeding. The reduced reaction time and lack of driving experience can be a deadly combination when a teenager drives more than the posted speed limit.

Attitudes of teenagers about what they consider “speeding” can help reveal why they are at risk. In a survey, many believed that the speed 90 mph or more is speeding. A huge percentage of teenagers were also in a car when risky activity like drunk driving, reckless driving and street racing occurred.

Teen drivers should be aware of the meaning of speed as well as the possible penalties when caught speeding. It can suspend their driver’s license and increase the insurance premiums. Doing this may even lead to severe and fatal accidents.

3) Weather

Some of the weather-related factors that can increase the risk of accidents are high winds, black ice, limited visibility and wet roads. Teenagers can be susceptible to these conditions because they don’t have enough driving experience. The best thing to do is to avoid driving in inclement weather. If they really need to drive, it is important for teen drivers to know the proper techniques when they drive in terrible weather.

4) Time of Day

In 2005, around half of teen deaths from motor vehicle crashes happened between 3 p.m. and midnight. A huge percentage occurred during Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Therefore, it is safest to limit teens to safe driving times until they have enough experience. It can safeguard the new drivers against undue risks.

5) Peer Pressure

It is likely for unsupervised teenage drivers to have accidents when they have teen passengers with them. According to the statistics, whenever the number of teenage passengers increases, the likelihood of an accident also increases. It is wise to limit the passengers in the car whenever a teen will be driving. Adult supervision is crucial.

6) Alcohol

Alcohol impairment caused the death of more than one in four 15 to 20-year-olds that died in automobile crashes in 2007. Check out Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), The Insurance Information Institute, and The Centers for Disease Control. They all have a comprehensive selection of resources about drunk driving and its prevention.

7) Failure to Use Seat Belts

It is important to wear seat belts to avoid injury whenever there is an auto accident. Sadly, it turns out that teens do not want to wear them. In a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration last 2008, 55 percent of 16 to 20-year-old vehicle occupants who died in crashes were not wearing a seatbelt. The belt usage rates for teens are especially low during nighttime.

These teenagers are also less likely to wear safety belts even if their parents wear them according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety?s survey last 2002. The Institute found out that the overall passenger seatbelt use was also lower for teens compared to adults. Only 50% of males and 56% of females that ride with adult drivers wear their seatbelts in the morning before going to school.

Aside from this, they revealed that whenever a teenager drives, belt use falls to 42% for males and 52% for females. They should add the seatbelt use provision to graduated licensing systems

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