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Money Saving Gas Tips To Keep Your Wallet Full

Filling up doesn’t have to mean emptying your wallet.

Even though gas prices are dropping, a full tank can still easily cost much more than you want to pay. Unless you have a completely electric car, there is no way to avoid paying for gas. To start saving money on gas, keep these tips in mind.

  • Look for discounts ? some gas stations have partnered with grocery stores to offer discounts. Some gas stations will also offer discounts if you fill up on certain days or buy a car wash with your full tank.
  • Use the right credit card ? credit card companies have started offering a percentage off for each fuel transaction you make. For example, Discover Card offers 5 percent cash back when you use the card at a gas station.
  • Keep your foot light ? a lead foot can drain your gas tank much faster than if you follow the speed limit. Most cars are not designed to be as fuel efficient at high speeds.
  • Go online ? instead of getting in your car each time you need to go buy something, see if you can get the same item online. Along with saving on gas, it could also save big on money and time.
  • Look for cheap prices ? download a gas finding app to help you find the cheapest gas prices in your area.
  • Carpool ? find out if any of your co-workers live nearby and start a carpool with them. Even if you don?t live near any co-workers, your neighbor may work close enough to make a carpool plan with them!
  • Check your tires ? properly inflated tires will help you get the best fuel efficiency out of your car.

To keep your fuel-efficient car protected on the road, contact the independent insurance professionals at Velox Insurance in Atlanta, Georgia for all of your auto insurance needs.

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