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How to Paint your Home Safely

There are plenty of reasons why we improve our homes. Among them are to increase market value and to reduce home insurance rates. But for the most part, we just wanted our homes to look pleasing to the eyes. And what?s the best way to do that? Apply a nice coat of paint, of course!

We all want to save on expenses, right? Thus, as much as possible, we want to do home improvement projects ourselves. A DIY home painting project requires minimal effort and the right kind of paint.

It is important to note that there are paints that are dangerous to your health. Hence, you wouldn?t want to use those for your home. Paint fumes aren?t just a simple case of bad smell – they can harm you in ways you don?t know. So before you start your project, keep these safe painting tips in mind.

Know your Paints

Certain ingredients found in conventional paints (Volatile Organic Compounds or VOCs) emit dangerous paint fumes. VOCs may cause several different reactions to humans, from headaches to skin irritation to dizziness. They are very hazardous to professional painters who are exposed to them on a daily basis. But even DIY painters need to take necessary precautions especially when they?re painting indoors. That?s because of the exposure to higher levels of VOCs than when painting outdoors.

While there are state-imposed regulations that limit the types of paint that are allowed to be used in certain settings, it would actually be wiser to choose paints that have little to no VOCs.

Choose a Healthy House Paint

There are three basic types of paint that you can choose from.

  • Oil. Oil paints are very durable. However, they have a petrochemical base that emits high levels of VOCs.
  • Natural. Natural paints contain ingredients like casein, chalk, oil, citrus, and linseed oil. They contain some VOCs, and their ingredients may cause some irritation. The finish from this healthy house paint may be different from what you?re used to. Thus, test it on a small area first before using.
  • Latex. Latex paints contain little VOCs than the abovementioned paints. That?s because they are water-based. Thus, they are the healthiest of the three.

Painting Your Room Safely

Painting preparations may take more time than actual painting. Aside from protecting yourself, protect the floors, windows, and furnishings as well. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Mark the area that you will paint. Define the area that you will be painting using a painter?s tape. This will protect the areas that you?re not painting.
  • Protect the floors and furniture. Cover floors and furniture with plastic sheets or tarp.
  • Use Safety Gears. Bear in mind that your skin may absorb chemicals. Thus, it is vital that you wear long sleeves, pants, gloves, and a cap.
  • The area should be ventilated well. Even if you?re using low- or no-VOC paints and other odorless mixtures, it is important to keep the room well-ventilated. Open the windows while you?re painting and turn on the fan when you?re done.
  • Ladder safety is important. If you are using ladders to paint unreachable areas, use those with wide base and support bars. Ladders with adjustable legs are recommended as they allow you to paint the stairs safely at different levels. Bear in mind that before going up the ladder, make sure it?s in good condition first.
  • Don?t paint when you?re pregnant. It is not a good idea to paint when you?re pregnant. Exposure to paint fumes during the first trimester may lead to congenital disabilities. Also, it?s not safe to go up a ladder during pregnancy.

Sleeping in a Newly-Painted Room

Most of the time, it is generally safe to sleep in a newly-painted room especially if you used a safe paint and the room is well-ventilated. But if the lingering smell makes you feel lightheaded or sick, you might as well sleep somewhere else.

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