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A Guide to Childproofing Your Home

Childproofing can be a difficult task. It is an ongoing process of making sure that your children are safe at home or while visiting another home. An excellent approach to childproofing your home is to put yourself in your child’s shoes. Look around and ask yourself questions like What happens if I crawl in there? or Can I put this thing in my mouth?

Also, it’s important that you consider your child’s developmental age when childproofing your home.

  • Infants are barely mobile. However, they can roll considerable distances.
  • Early walkers and crawlers may easily get into trouble.
  • Meanwhile, toddlers are very curious and resourceful when it comes to opening doors and climbing.

Childproofing Safety Checks for your Entire House

As you begin childproofing, you’ll notice that there are several safety hazards throughout your home ? from your bedroom to the kitchen. Be strategic while you evaluate your home.

  • Determine the number of electrical outlets that are reachable by a child, including those that are hidden behind furniture. Each of them will need a plastic safety cover.
  • Pay particular attention to choking hazards. Ensure that cords hanging from appliances or drapes are tied up and are unreachable by your child. Other choking hazards include (but not limited to): jewelry, small toys, coins, rubber bands, balloons, and decorative rocks.
  • Sharp objects (e.g. knives, gardening equipment, and cooking utensils) should be kept out of reach and out of sight.
  • Poisoning is a common occurrence, but preventable. Keep chemicals or cleaning agents around your house unreachable. If possible, lock it up when you don’t need it. Keep the number of the poison control center handy.
  • If you own a gun, make sure that you keep them unloaded and locked away from teens and children.

Childproofing Safety Checks for Each Room in the House

It’s important to ensure that each room in your home is checked for unique hazards:

Backyard and Around Decks: If you have a pool in your yard, make sure that you maintain a tall fence around it and keep it locked when not in use. Don’t allow your children to swim without any adult supervision. Also make sure that there are childproof locks to doors that lead to the deck, yard, and balcony.

Basement and Garage: Make sure that tools and ladders are out of reach. Gasoline, lighter fluid, pesticides, paints, and other chemicals should only be stored in a locked cabinet.

Bathroom: All medications should be kept out of sight and use safety latches on your medicine cabinets. Tweezers, scissors, and other sharp objects should be kept out of reach. The water heater should be set at less than 120 degrees to prevent burns. Don’t leave your child unattended in the bathtub and place toilet lid locks to keep small children from playing in the toilet bowl. Buckets should be stored upside down to prevent water from accumulating. Bear in mind that even just a few inches of water can drown children.

Bedroom: Cribs should be safe for babies to sleep. Thus, remove toys, comforters, pillows and other items that can cause suffocation. As babies start to sit on their own, move mobiles out of reach. Smoke alarms should be installed in or near each bedroom, and regularly test them to ensure that they work.

Kitchen: Use rear burners and keep handles towards the back of the stove when cooking. Don’t leave the room with a stove on.

Stairs: There should be safety gates at the top and bottom of the stairs.

Windows: Parents often overlook windows. Bear in mind that window screens are made to keep insects out and not to keep your children in. Don’t place furniture under windows as it creates an invitation to children to climb and explore. If you want to open your windows to let the air in, make sure that they are out of your children’s reach. Safety locks should be installed throughout your home. Also, note that windows provide a fire escape so make sure that they aren’t painted shut.

It may not be necessary to childproof your house if you only have children as guests. But focus on the areas where they are likely to spend most of their time. Keep in mind that they should be supervised at all times so that everyone can stay safe and sound.

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