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Breakdown: 5 Types of Car Insurance Coverage

To be able to drive legally in Georgia, you need to have auto insurance coverage. While there are a lot of different kinds of coverage out there, they all work a bit differently to protect you. Here are the five most common types of insurance that you can buy from your agent.


Liability coverage will pay for property damages, medical treatment, and other accident-related expenses when you?re at fault for a collision. Remember that even a single accident can be an enormous financial burden. That why buying more liability coverage than you think you need is always a good idea.

Uninsured Motorist

There are a lot of uninsured drivers out there. And you?ll never know when you?ll get into an accident with one of them. Because of this, you are still at financial risk even though you already have insurance coverage. Uninsured motorist coverage will pay for the repairs your vehicle needs in case someone without insurance causes damage to your car or injuries to the people in your car.

Medical or Personal Injury

Accidents can result in thousands of dollars in medical expenses. Thus, if you don?t have an excellent health insurance policy, your medical or bodily injury insurance will help you pay for the medical bills you and your passengers incur. Even if you do have health insurance it can help cover costs that may not be covered.


Collision coverage will pay for your own vehicle?s repair expenses after an accident. A lot of people don?t buy this coverage for their older cars. But if you have new or expensive cars, then buying it is definitely a wise idea. If you don?t own the vehicle outright, you?ll probably be required to have it.


Comprehensive coverage covers the damages caused by incidents other than vehicular collision. This includes coverage for animal collisions, storm damage, and even theft. Although this is already an additional expense, you can reduce the costs by installing anti-theft and tracking devices.

When it comes to ensuring your future finances, you should make it a point not to fall short of any insurance coverage. Go an extra mile and pay for coverage that you could be important to have even if the chances don?t feel very likely to you. Here at Velox Insurance, we offer different insurance products that would best suit your need. We have competent agents who will help you decide on the best option for your budget. Call us at 1-855-468-3569 or visit us at one of our offices today and get a quote from us!

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