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7 Safety Tips For ATV Riders

Riding an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) can be a fun experience especially during holidays. However, it can also be a dangerous activity if you don’t pay attention to your safety. There are a lot of ATV related accidents, and some of them even result in death. Make sure to take note and follow these safety tips to prevent any accident and injuries.

Take safety course

Prepare yourself for emergencies by taking an ATV safety training course. It would also give you the skill to ride ATVs in a safer way. Even if you have  experience in riding ATVs, having more knowledge about safety will only benefit you.

Ride the right ATV

ATVs comes in various types for different riders. Your children shouldn’t be allowed to ride an ATV for adults because it would be harder for them to control. There are ATVs especially made for children with mechanisms that limits speed and gives better control.

Use protective gears

Equip yourself with a helmet, goggles, chest/back armor, elbow pads, knee pads, and other safety equipment to reduce injury during an accident. You should also wear clothing that doesn’t reveal a lot of skin to avoid cuts and scrapes if you fall.

Don’t drive under influence

If you’re under the influence of drugs and alcohol, scratch the idea of riding an ATV completely. They would slow your brain and reflexes, and you’ll be in danger when you need to make quick actions and decisions.

Avoid paved roads

There are more ATV related accidents in public road compared to accidents off-road. They are not designed to be driven there because they don’t have the right tires nor turn signals like cars. They’re also harder to maneuver on paved roads.

Don’t take extra passengers

ATVs that are designed for one person shouldn’t take passengers at all. There are ATVs that can take 2 or 4 passengers, so make sure that the number of people riding it is equal to the number of seats available. Taking extra passengers may cause harder control and fatal injuries.

Ride while it’s bright

Even if your ATV is equipped with lights, it’s better to avoid riding it at night. It can be hard to spot obstacles like rocks and bumps when it’s dark.

Ensuring your safety is very important when you’re riding an ATV. It’s recommended to also have an ATV insurance ready that would cover in case of collisions and physical injuries. At Velox Insurance, we do our best in making sure that our clients are well-protected with affordable and comprehensive policies. To learn more about how we can help you, please contact our agency at (855) 468-3569 or Click Here to request a free quote.

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