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5 Ways To Get The Best Rates On Marine Insurance

Boat insurance has different regulations than other kinds of insurance. When buying coverage, you need to do some research to get the best deal. Here are useful ways to get value for your money:

Find a specialized boat insurance agent. One common myth about insurance agents is that getting a professional who specializes in one product is more expensive than someone who handles all types of insurance plans. An agent that specializes in boat insurance can design a policy based on your needs, rather than one that covers unnecessary options. It is important to get a policy that covers everything you need.

Determine what you need. Before you shop for marine coverage, know where you are heading with your boat. What kind of deductibles can you afford? Usually, boat policies are customized according to the needs of the buyer. Know what you need so you don’t end up paying for coverage that is not suited for your plans.

Take courses again. Well-seasoned sailors prove their expertise by getting a license. If you lack skills in boating, it is recommended to take seamanship and sailing classes. As you are improving your skills in the water, you are also reducing your premiums. Insurance firms greatly consider your experience and level of expertise in boating…more credentials mean lower premiums.

Obtain a survey before purchasing coverage. To save you some time, get a survey of your boat, especially if the it’s over 10 years old. The survey has to have been completed within 30 days of purchase, and you are typically asked for it anyway. It won’t hurt to get your boat surveyed when you do your pre-purchase maintenance, and it will help you value everything you have on the boat.

Add boat safety gear and equipment. Insurers take note of the equipment the owner has on hand to save the boat in case of an emergency. Insurance companies want to know how the owner will avoid damages and losses. So, keep high water alarms and bilge pumps in your boat if you want to pay less on your premiums.
Keep a high credit score and good driving record. You may not think of marine insurance when you think about places you need your credit score or driving record, but insurance companies notice risk. They will want to know how responsible you are as a person, and what you will do to avoid future issues.

When shopping for marine insurance, find an efficient insurance agent who will offer you the best policy. At Velox Insurance, we aim to provide comprehensive insurance policies that make your life easier. You can get more information about our products and services by calling our agency at (855) 468-3569. Get your free quote today by CLICKING HERE.

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