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3 Important Tips For Defensive Driving

Summer is the perfect time for a road trip to visit family & friends or for a vacation. However, it usually means long drives. To keep you safe on the way to your destination, here are some important tips to prepare you for the drive.

Plan! Plan! Plan!

First off, defensive driving starts even before you hit the road. Check weather and road conditions ahead of time. It helps you plan which route to take and know what you?ll expect along the way. Pack necessary supplies like first aid kits, flashlights, blankets and snacks to prepare for any emergency situation.

Avoid Collisions

There are six unsafe driving habits that usually lead to vehicular collisions. Understanding and learning how to avoid them will help you develop safer driving habits and accident prevention techniques.

  1. Cruising left of center. The keys to preventing this unsafe practice are patience and foresight. Slow down when there are cyclists or pedestrians until it is safe to pass them. Watch out for animals or other obstacles ahead of time to avoid swerving to the other lane.
  2. Improper passing. When passing a road, make sure you use your signal lights and check blind spots, including in the front and back of your car. Pass without getting too close to the vehicle ahead or going over the speed limit. If that?s not possible, it may be unsafe to move.
  3. Improper speed. Drive at a speed that is within the limits and is appropriate for the weather. You may have to slow down to safely maneuver on a wet and icy road.
  4. Improper turning. Let other drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians know where you?re going by correctly using signal lights. Traffic laws usually require you to signal within 100 feet before turning.
  5. Tailgating. Tailgating often leads to fender-benders at low speeds. At high speeds, on the other hand, it can be deadly. That is why it is best to keep at least 3 seconds of distance between you and the vehicle ahead. Meanwhile, if someone is following you too closely, don?t speed up. Rather, maintain your speed and move over to let them pass when it?s safe to do so.
  6. Violating right of way. Makes sure that you’re following traffic signals and stop signs by driving at an appropriate speed. Give yourself enough time to react and take your time in scanning intersections.

Safely Maneuver through the Traffic

Summer is among the busiest times to travel. While some people choose to travel by air or boat, a handful still prefers to drive. More cars on the road mean higher chances of fatal accidents. That?s why it?s important to stay alert and avoid hazards. Follow these tips:

  • In heavy traffic, keep a safe distance from other vehicles. Give enough response time by slowing your speed.
  • Give fellow drivers the right of way, but be alert enough to react to unexpected turns and lane changes.
  • Check your mirrors every 3 to 5 seconds. Always scan ahead for possible dangers.
  • Check for signs of distracted, impaired, and aggressive drivers. Calm yourself down in a stressful traffic condition by practicing deep breathing.

Whether you are in traffic or not, it is always a good idea to practice defensive driving to reduce your risk of getting into vehicular collisions. Take defensive driver safety courses, if you haven?t yet. You may qualify for discounts on car insurance premiums if you do so.

Protect yourself and your vehicle by purchasing dependable auto insurance here at Velox Insurance. Feel free to talk to our agents to know more about the best options we have for you, call 1-855-468-3569 or contact us here and get a quote now! You can also visit us at our offices near you.

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