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10 Important Items You Should Keep In Your Car For Emergencies

When you’re driving a car everything can go wrong, and suddenly you could find yourself stranded in the middle of nowhere, unprepared. Be sure to pack these items before going out on a drive if you want to avoid similar problems.

First Aid

During an accident there’s a chance that the people inside are injured, so a first aid kit is essential. You can purchase a first aid kit so you don’t have to assemble one on your own.

Water and food

Bring a day’s worth of water and non-perishable food in case you would be stuck without help for a long time.

Jump starters

If your engine won’t turn on, you can use jump starters to power your car battery. It is a better option than just bringing jumper cables as there may not be other cars around to help start your car.

Tow strap and hook

If your car is stuck somewhere, a tow strap, a tow hook, and a helping hand from a driver passing by can solve the situation.

Fire extinguisher

Engine problems or even accidents may result in fire, so always be prepared by having a fire extinguisher ready. Make sure that you know how to use one.

Multipurpose utility tool

This can take the form of swiss army knife, leatherman tool, or stinger USB emergency tool. Tools like these can help you cut your seatbelt if it’s malfunctioning and even break the side window of your car.


A flashlight can aid you in making quick repairs to your car. It can also be used to give signal so rescuers can find you. Make sure to choose a waterproof flashlight and don’t forget to bring spare batteries.

Warning triangle reflector

These reflectors will give other cars a visible warning sign so they wouldn’t crash into your car. Make sure to place them at a safe distance from your vehicle.


If you have to do fixes to your car under the rain, you’d wish you have a raincoat to save yourself from the frustration.

GPS unit

A GPS unit will come in handy if you have no idea about your whereabouts but your smartphone is low on battery.

Satellite phones

You can make calls with satellite phones no matter where you are on earth, so it’s a more reliable tool to look for help.

You can further ready yourself in case of emergencies by getting affordable auto insurance. It will provide the coverage needed for medical treatment and repairs.  Contact us if you’re interested in getting a policy. At Velox Insurance, we put our clients first by offering them policies that they can afford. Learn more about our products and services by calling our agency at (770) 293-0623. You can also request for a free quote by CLICKING HERE.

When you buy the auto insurance Georgia the expenses can take up a huge chunk of your budget.. But, here at Velox, we offer many discounts and coverage options to help you insure your car at a more affordable price.

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