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Types of Car Insurance Discounts in Georgia

Find Your Auto Insurance Discounts to Save Today

Understanding Auto Coverage Discounts to Save Money

Car insurance discounts can lower your policy premium and most insurance companies offer a variety of them. They are available for every customer who purchases a car insurance policy, although how much they are worth varies between companies. Most insurers will only allow you to apply a certain number of them to your policy, so it’s important to understand what they are and how much money you can expect to save. That way, you’ll choose the biggest discounts for your policy. The friendly and knowledgeable agents at Velox are happy to walk you through what is available and which ones are best for you.

How does Discounted Auto Insurance Work?

Most people believe they pay too much for their auto coverage. This is a way to decrease your bill. Most insurers apply a certain percentage to the discounts they offer and if you qualify, you’ll have that percentage amount deducted from your premium.

You’ve probably heard about a good driver or safe driver discount. It may have different names, based on the carrier, but, in effect, it rewards drivers who have established they are responsible behind the wheel by not getting into accidents or receiving citations. In many cases, this is one of the biggest ones available and it can offer anywhere from 10-30% off your bill. Some insurers will require you to install a tracking device that records your driving habits, such as taking note when you drive over the posted speed limit.

What Type of Car Insurance Discounts are Available in Georgia?

Drivers in Georgia enjoy a wide range of discounts and you most certainly qualify for some of them. Additionally, when you experience life changes, you may become eligible for different — and better — ones. For example, if you start working from home you may now qualify for a low-mileage discount. Driving less miles means less exposure to accidents. This is worth around 5% off on average.

Here are some of the more popular ones you can ask your agent about when you purchase or renew your policy.

  • New Customer: Many agencies will welcome you to the fold with a small 5% off.
  • Returning Customer (Loyalty): Known as a loyalty reduction, your insurer is happy to see you remain a customer and will give you an average of 11% off.
  • Bundling (Multi-Policy): Similar to customer loyalty, when you allow one agency to handle two or more of your policies, you can see up to 30% off. For example, bundling home insurance with auto can be worth up to 25% off.
  • Senior Driver: More mature drivers can average up to 15-35% off their bill and that can get even higher if they take a defensive driving course.
  • Multi-Vehicle: Insure more than one vehicle with the same company and you may receive up to 10-25% off.
  • Military, First Responders and Teachers: As a way of saying thanks for being on the front lines, you can expect to receive up to 15% off.
  • Good Student: Insurers like to encourage young drivers who behave responsibly in all aspects of life. Full-time students who maintain a certain GPA can receive up to 25% off.
  • Affiliation: Some insurers have agreements with groups such as sororities, fraternities, unions, and employers to give discounts of up to 25% for their members.

Remember, most insurers will limit how many you can take, so be sure and understand the ones that are worth the most. Check in regularly with your neighborhood agent, especially if your circumstances change, for an updated list of what is available.

Are There Ways Besides Vehicle Insurance Discounts to Save Money on My Auto Coverage in Georgia?

As a budget-savvy shopper, you want to find all the ways to lower your bills. Comparing insurers is one way to find out if cheap car insurance is the same as expensive car insurance. You don’t have to pay more to get good coverage, so working with an independent agent who can help you compare costs is a great idea.

Once you’ve found the cheapest car insurance available, you also want to find ways to lower your premium even more. You’ve learned about discounts and how they can help you save money, but are there other ways you can save even more? Check out these tips to find how to structure your policy for the coverage you need at a price you can afford.

Adjust Your Insurance Deductible

If you’ve chosen more coverage than just the state-required minimum liability, you probably have a deductible. If you have financed or leased your vehicle, you may be required to carry full coverage, which does include deductibles. Your deductible is the amount you kick in before your insurer pays out for a claim. The higher your deductible, the lower your premium.

Type of Vehicle You Drive

If you are thinking about purchasing a new or used car, understand your coverage costs will be based in part on the type of vehicle you choose. For example, sporty cars are linked to higher theft rates and to riskier driving habits. An expensive luxury model may come with higher-than-average repair costs. Choosing a reliable sedan with a high safety rating will get the lowest rates.

Insurance Policy Coverage Levels

You may not have a choice if you are financing or leasing your ride, but if it’s paid off and you own it, you can try different scenarios to come to a place where you have enough coverage to feel safe at a price you can afford. Your agent will be the best resource for you during this process.

Individual Insurance Premium Factors

Your unique factors are one of the largest reasons behind your costs. Some you can change and some you cannot. Your age and gender are two of the main thing underwriters look at, but those are things you cannot change. Where you live can be a factor. High-crime areas with lots of congestion may give an insurer cause for concern. Some things you can change are your credit score and your driving record. Even if you begin with a lower credit score and some dings on your record, these are things you can improve so you can get a better rate soon.

Get Affordable Car Insurance in Georgia Today

Now that you understand how to use car insurance discounts to save on your premium, you can rely on a friendly, professional Velox agent to find an affordable policy tailored just for you. We’ll help you decide on the best discounts and the best policy, plus give you plenty of options. Don’t worry if your record is not spotless. One of our many strengths is finding affordable insurance for drivers with less-than-perfect records. Give us a call today at 855-468-3569 or check us out . You are also welcome to stop by one of our convenient locations.