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Downloadable Teen Driver/Parent Safety Agreement

Here at Velox Insurance, we insure a large number of families with teen drivers and?it’s no coincidence that we also?help a lot of those same families through the claims process. Everyone knows young drivers?are?still learning and any parent of a teen will ?confirm that they don’t always make the best decisions.

That’s why we wanted to share a helpful resource from the Governer’s Office of Highway Safety that will help your teen driver be more safe.

This Teen Driver/Parent Agreement is a simple document that asks teens and their parents to review the most common and avoidable causes of car accidents and make a promise?to avoid them.

Click the image below to download?and print your Teen/Parent?Agreement:


Click Here to Download PDF

Click Here to Download Your Teen Driver/Parent Agreement

Some people question the effectiveness of a document like this. Teenagers will be teenagers and this certainly isn’t a legal contract?but spending?the time to go through this with your child is a great reminder of the dangers they need to avoid and it shows your teen driver how important these issues are for you.

It may even initiate some good conversations that you’ll be glad you had.

For great rates on auto insurance for teen drivers get a quote on our website today, give us a call at 1-866-Go-Velox, or contact a local Velox agency today.

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